My take on a six-month drama tour across Canada.

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Day Number One

I always get nervous before I start something this big, and I can never sleep. I got about three hours of sleep the night before my bus trip, so I was pretty tired on the way there. They were playing the riveting movies Taxi and Kangaroo Jack, both of which I don't recommend. However, I shouldn't be complaining too much. One of the guys on the team, Jonathan, is flying in from Toronto, and his flight arrival got delayed 14 hours; from 11:00 AM to 1:00 AM. He's not here yet.
Barons is tiny. They have a general store. I think I've seen a general store before, at Alberta Beach. They also have a Chinese restaurant, which is apparently pretty good. Other than that, the one thing I can say about southern Alberta is that it's flat. You drive on the highway, and all you see is the road and fields in all directions. There aren't even very many trees. In the distance, you can barely make out the shadows of the foothills. For every five fields you see, there's one house. Apparently, a farm of 5000 acres is a standard size. I don't know exactly how big an acre is, but that sounds like a lot. Every field has a massive irrigation system on wheels, sitting frozen on the snow-covered fields. Every one I saw was painted blue. I've never seen those in Edmonton area farms. Jeremy and Rhonda, the leaders of the group who picked me up from the bus station, mentioned that southern Saskatchewan is even flatter. I mean, completely flat. I've never been there, but we're driving through there in about a month, so I'll let you know.
The place we rehearse at is a school built in the thirties, which was closed because of the dwindling population of Barons. (which, by the way, is the "wheat heart of the west.") Apparently parts of the orginal Superman movies were filmed here. It's a good building that makes digestion noises when it tries to heat itself, but I think I'll get used to them.
Oh, and our itinerary is up at Just click on the Summit Theatre link. Good news; we'll be in Edmonton at the end of February for Missionsfest and the end of May for YC. God bless and please pray for the team as we begin rehearsing!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Maura:)

I really like this journal,,,,Canada sounds like a cool place!

5:01 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow ! It sounds like you are settling in . We love your descriptions of southern alberta . Keep the notes comming.

5:06 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am glad you are doing this journal. You Got my prayers, Its gonna be a good year.


9:22 AM


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