My take on a six-month drama tour across Canada.

Monday, January 17, 2005

Happy birthday to me

Today is the first day of my 21st trip around the sun...I am now 20 years old. (think about it.) It was a weird sort of birthday; no anticipation or excitement. It's possible that this comes with age, but I think it was partly because of the lack of friends and family needed to throw a party/go snowboarding. The team did surprise me with a cake, so that was awesome. And my mom sent a package with cards and letters and money and a phone card, which may or may not be a subtle hint. I also got money to buy books; intellectual books to allow me to learn something new in my eight-month absence from formal education. Wow, I’m a geek.
Today was a good rehearsal; I'm happy to report that I am not a blubbering mess, at least not today. I'm tired, still sick, but feeling better. God is good. I got to talk to my family yesterday too, which was nice. And now that I have a phone card (thanks mom) I'll be able to do that even more!
Other than that...Barons is still small, southern Alberta is still flat, and the team is getting ready to head to Vancouver. Oh; and Rhonda and I discovered that the van is East Indian and that his name is Ajeep.
Ajeep is going to be spending a lot of time with us.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

happy birthday to you! happy birthday to you! happy biiiiirthday deeear Maaaauurraaa, happy birthday to you! = )

9:32 PM

Blogger The Yam said...

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12:00 PM

Blogger The Yam said...

Happy birthday hot stuff. Wish we could go party again. Well, we had a sort of party ;). Sorry I forgot hier. Je suis desolee. At least I'll remember mums....

12:01 PM


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